Being an educator is a great, responsible job. When we go out and educate, we need to make sure we are prepared and have back up plans. Here are some tips to make sure your presentation and training goes well.
As educators and presenters, we can find ourselves at hotels, conference centers, school classrooms, training centers, garages, basements, outdoor venues, and much more. We need to know where we will be teaching and be prepared for that environment. Always get information about the facility and the resources available to you in advance.
Find out who your audience is, what they want to learn, and why they are learning it.
Prepare your lesson plan for your training program:
Know your material
Plan for unexpected
Rehearse, Rehearse
Expect that something will not workYour lesson plan for your presentation or lesson should include:
Title of lesson or presentation, concept/topic being taught, any standards addressed, goals and objectives, materials, procedure (lecture, demo, etc), closure, assessment and anticipated questions. You should include in your materials list the backup materials listed below.
Laptop - have spare battery or make sure battery is fully charged (in case of no power outlet)
Projector (lamps burn out, make sure yours isn't too old or have a spare lamp or projector)
Speakers - if you have video or audio content
Backup of files on a flash drive (problem with hard drive file, using a backup computer, etc)
Don't count on having internet access at the facility (use screen shots of websites). Sometimes the WiFi networks get overloaded with all the participants going online.
Post your presentation online so that the participants can view it real time. Google Docs is a great way to do this.
Post your presentation online so that the participants can view it real time. Google Docs is a great way to do this.
Extension cord and power strip (in case facility doesn't have one)
Extra copies of handouts, post handouts online (like Google Docs), etc.
Print out of lecture notes and information (in case of catastrophic failures you can use this to teach from. If you make copies of your lecture notes it's even easier.)
Flip chart with markers (for notes, etc. and also in case of hardware failure)
Can your files work on their computer? (software) - having them in a generic form like PDF is better than PowerPoint or Keynote
Have a backup projector or laptop available if facility is providing computer and projector
Bring a drink (water, etc) and a snack for yourself.
Notepad and pen for notes.
Dry Erase markers (in case facility has a board but no markers)
Materials for demonstrations or hands-on activities (bring extra and don't rely on facility to have what you need)
Take a deep breath before going up to present and relax.
Share your tips with us!
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