Thursday, January 19, 2012

Improving Literacy and Digital Literacy with Adobe Digital School Collection

The Adobe Digital School Collection (ADSC) is a bundle of software for K-12 students and educators and is available for Windows and Mac OS.

Included in the bundle is Adobe Photoshop Elements 10, Adobe Premiere Elements 10 and Adobe Acrobat X Pro. 

Literacy and Digital Literacy are two major issues in education. Students need to be able to read for information, write to communicate and also use and communicate with digital tools. We all know that we need to teach our students skills that will help them adapt to an ever-changing world, careers, and future education. Students need to be able to solve problems while thinking critically, using creativity, working collaboratively, communicating, and using digital tools. Adobe's Digital School Collection allows students to develop and hone these skills.

Students can be tasked with a project in which they have to work together and solve problems creatively and then communicate their solution and results to others. These tools are used extensively in industry and in higher education so students will be learning to use tools that they will see again. They can use Photoshop and Premiere to create their project materials and then present and share the project using Acrobat X.

Throughout the project, students will have to be able to read for information in their research, analyze that information to use it to solve their task, and then communicate clearly for the final project.

Acrobat X lets them combine images, text, audio and video into one final product. This is also a great way to create and share student portfolios.

There are Educator resources for using the ADSC in your classrooms in the Adobe Education Exchange. There are 23 lesson plans, tech guides, user guides, teacher guides, and completed examples to view. There are over 36,000 members in the community and that number continues to grow.

DISCLAIMER: I received a free copy of the Adobe Digital Schools Collection to do this review. I have been using it, and the Adobe Education Exchange, as part of this review. 

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