Friday, April 8, 2011

Qwiki - search results as a multimedia presentation

Qwiki is a pretty cool site I learned about this past March at TeachMeetNJ. Qwicki works differently than regular search. Instead of coming back with links, it creates a multimedia presentation for your search term.

The result is a story, told with images, text, and audio about the subject you searched for. If you search for the term again, it will create a new story. There is a "film strip" on the bottom so you can skip ahead to other images.

You can sign up for free and save your Qwiki's for later viewing. You can also view other Qwiki's from other people on the site.

A Qwiki about Mount Rushmore starts out with a Google Map (which zooms in automatically) of where it is, describes what it is, shows pictures of it, talks about the history of it and who's on it, the size, scope of work, and more.

This is a nice way to create presentations and do research on topics. The format is interesting and can be used by both teachers and students. It's fun and creative. 

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