Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New High School STEM Resource from MIT

MIT recently announced a new STEM resource for high schools called BLOSSOMS. It contains online video lessons and free resources for teachers and students. There are also links to other STEM resources on the site. 

Check them out and give MIT feedback on your experience

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a new program providing educational resources for high school STEM classrooms. The BLOSSOMS project (http://blossoms.mit.edu/) provides complete online video lessons geared to high school level math and science students taught by MIT faculty and affiliates. All resources are free for distribution under a Creative Commons’ Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license.
There are currently over 40 full 50-minute lessons on STEM topics in the video library; more will be added over time. You can view these lessons here: http://blossoms.mit.edu/library.html . Every lesson is a complete resource that includes video segments, a teacher’s guide, downloadable hand-outs and a list of additional resources relevant to the topic.

BLOSSOMS lessons engage students in observation, experiment and discussion. Problem solving activities stimulate students to think critically and to make connections that lead to “Aha!” moments. As students develop a deeper and richer understanding and intuition—what we sometimes call a gut feel for a concept—they gain the confidence and inspiration they need to continue their math and science education beyond high school. Our lessons show students, in a hands-on way, how exciting and fascinating math, science, engineering and technology can be.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the BLOSSOMS project or suggestions for its improvement. If you decide to use BLOSSOMS materials in your classroom, we would love to hear about your experience. We are always looking for new partners for collaboration.

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