Discovery Education Spring VirtCon 2011
(free, online conference)
(reposted from Discovery Education blog)
Spring VirtCon 2011
Spring Virtual Conference
April 30, 2011
9 AM to 3 PM ET
April 30, 2011
9 AM to 3 PM ET
Think Outside the Book with thousands of educators from all over the world as we connect during this unique professional development experience where you can attend in-person, online or both!
Learn powerful ways to integrate digital media and Web 2.0 tools into your instruction as well as discover an abundance of resources to expand your own personal learning network.
Download and share the flyer.
Register today for the virtual sessions.
Attend one of these in-person events (MORE coming soon).
Kansas City, MO
Richmond, VA (Register here.)
Virginia Beach, VA (Register here.)
Verona, WI
Richmond, VA (Register here.)
Virginia Beach, VA (Register here.)
Verona, WI
Virtual Sessions
(All times are eastern)
(All times are eastern)
9 AM
Time, Differentiation and Online Publishing
Dr. Lodge McCammon
Dr. Lodge will discuss practical strategies that can be implemented to increase valuable classroom time while meeting the needs of diverse learners. He will show samples of how low-barrier video creation and publishing can result in an educational paradigm shift where collaboration and differentiation are part of the daily lesson plan.
Time, Differentiation and Online Publishing
Dr. Lodge McCammon
Dr. Lodge will discuss practical strategies that can be implemented to increase valuable classroom time while meeting the needs of diverse learners. He will show samples of how low-barrier video creation and publishing can result in an educational paradigm shift where collaboration and differentiation are part of the daily lesson plan.
10 AM
Project-Based LearningTim Childers, DEN Guru
With all the emphasis on standardized testing, Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the hidden gem of the curriculum. In this session, we’ll look at the elements that make up a PBL activity, explore projects already being used in the classroom, and answer the age old question “How much soda can you get in that can?”
11 AM
Alphabet Soup
Lance Rougeux, Discovery Education
Teaching today is a veritable alphabet soup with ingredients full of acronyms and buzz words, Web 2.0 sites with unusual names, and a student language comprised of characters and symbols. And every time we take a hearty spoonful the letters move around and new words appear. In this session, we’ll discover together how to make all these ingredients into a recipe for student success.
12 PM
The Pedagogical and Professional Magic of Digital Media
Rushton Hurley, Founder Next Vista for Learning
You have access to all manner of amazing media. How do you use it to develop your perspective on what’s possible in your classroom? How does digital media provide professional opportunities that previous generations could barely imagine? How can content focused on students connect us with our students, our communities, and each other? Join Rushton for an exploration of the world of teaching and learning as it is unfolding before us!
1 PM
WHERE Are You Headed?
Jannita Demian, Discovery Education
They say “Life is a Highway” but where’s the road map?!? In a world bombarded with different media types, educators are asking WHERE do we go from here? Join us to learn new and impactful ways to increase student engagement in your class starting next week. See examples of how teachers across the nation are utilizing media to help transform their teaching from the hook at the beginning of the unit to the summative assessments at the end.
2 PM
Geo huh? What’s Geocaching in the Classroom?Porter Palmer, Discovery Education
Did you know that you can use GPS receivers to play high tech hide and seek? It’s called geocaching, and it’s a fun activity that you can do with students of almost any age. Come explore how to use geocaching in the classroom and as a great outdoor hobby. You’ll leave this session ready to participate in DEN Geocaching Day on May 21st!
Check out the DEN Blog for more announcements of in-person get togethers for this event too.
Come and Join Us!
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