The New Year always brings resolutions from people on what they want to accomplish in the New Year. For educators, this is also a good time to reflect on your teaching and to make a list of things to accomplish for the next semester. We also have a chance to do this over the summer.
Some suggestions for educators (and things I'm going to do):
1. Write a blog (or continue to write one).Share resources, ideas, tips, thoughts, and more. Comment on other people's blogs too.
2. Create or expand your Personal Learning Network. A PLN is an incredible resource for educators.
3. Get involved on Twitter (especially with #edchat)
4. Try a new resource each week (or month). Get started with Educational Technology.
5. Try something new with your classes each month. New lesson ideas, new resources, completely new ideas.
6. Reflect on your teaching and see how you can improve it.
What about you? What do you think are some things for educators to do in the new year?
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