Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Google Teacher Newsletter 1/25/2011

Here's some great info from Google for Teachers (and for students)

Hello educators and happy new year!
Did you know that 2011 is the international year of chemistry (http://www.chemistry2011.org)? Google's getting ready to celebrate andpromote educational achievements in science - and all of STEM -  withseveral events and programs planned throughout the year. This month wekicked off the first online science fair and opened applications forthe CS4HS program. We're excited and ready to be inspired by a newgeneration of scientists!
If you're attending the the ASCD Annual conference in San Franciscothis March - stop by our booth #1223 to say hi and learn some tips andtricks for using Google Apps and other Google products in yourclassrooms.
We look forward to sharing more in the months to come.
In this newsletter:- Google Science Fair- Google Teacher Academy in Sydney- CS4HS Applications- Upcoming Google Apps for Education Professional Development webinars
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOGLE SCIENCE FAIR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introducing the world’s first online global science competition, theGoogle Science Fair! Google has partnered with CERN, The LEGO Group,National Geographic and Scientific American to create a new kind ofonline science competition that is more global, open and inclusivethan ever before. Students aged 13 - 18 from around the world areinvited to enter and compete for awesome once-a-lifetime experiences,scholarships and real-life work opportunities. Sign up today atgoogle.com/sciencefair.
We hope you are as excited about this upcoming competition as we areare!
For tips on how to get started helping your students prepare for theScience Fair, register for this webinar on February 8, 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET: Embrace your inner Einstein: Using Google Apps for theGoogle Science Fair Online - https://google.webex.com/google/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=961203885

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE ON GOOGLE TEACHER ACADEMY IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first Google Teacher Academy of 2011 will be held at the Googleoffice in Sydney, Australia. The date for the GTA has changed and willnow be held on April 20th (with an optional half day unconference onApril 21st).
There's still time to apply! We are accepting applications from  allover the world, so polish up your writing and video skills and applyby 11:59 PM PST (UTC/GMT -8) on 27 January 2011.  For moreinformation, please visit our  site:  http://www.google.com/educators/gta.html
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CS4HS APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Applications for Computer Science for High School (CS4HS) 2011workshop grants are open now until February 18, 2010! CS4HS is aworkshop for high school and middle school computer science teachersthat introduces new and exciting concepts in computing and how toteach them.  Any University, Community College, or Technical School inthe US, Canada, Europe, Middle East, and Asia are welcome to apply.
To submit an application and for more information about the CS4HSprogram please visit www.cs4hs.com
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GOOGLE APPS FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEBINAR SERIES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn how to use Google Apps in the classroom with a new bi-weeklywebinar series lead by Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers.Webinars will be held weekly on Tuesdays, 4:30PM PT/7:30PM ET and willalso be recorded and archived.
Future webinar topics for this series include:- Jan 25: Introduction to Forms in Google Docs -https://google.webex.com/google/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=969555359- Feb 1: Advanced forms in Google Docs -https://google.webex.com/google/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=968743187- Feb 8: Embrace your inner Einstein: Using Google Apps for the GoogleScience Fair Online - https://google.webex.com/google/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=961203885- Feb 15: Managing Google Docs with your classroom -https://google.webex.com/google/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=961914912- Feb 22: Building a class site with Google Sites -https://google.webex.com/google/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=962684060
For more resources, check out the Google Apps for Education OnlineTraining center at edutraining.googleapps.com. View recorded webinarsin the Google Apps for Education Resource Center:http://www.google.com/a/help/intl/en/edu/resource_center.html
To have someone come and deliver customized professional developmentat your school, contact a localGoogle Apps for Education CertifiedTrainer: http://www.google.com/a/help/intl/en/edu/trainer_directory.html

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