StudyBlue is a free site that I briefly wrote about when I posted an infographic from them on mobile devices and studying.
StudyBlue lets students create and share flashcards, quizzes and study guides to help them learn. Students can access their materials online anywhere and there are mobile apps for iPhone and Android available. They can create quizzes from their flashcards to test their knowledge.
Teachers can also create flashcards for students to study with and students can also quiz themselves with these.
This is a great, free site to help students organize their study materials and learn.
David Kapuler covered some new features they just announced:
Infographic on Mobile devices and Studying - and free apps to help
zen.do - free tool to take notes and turn them into flashcards
Wordstash - digital flashcards
Braineos - Flashcard games to make your brain happy!
Student Study and Help Sites
Gooru - online study tool with great resources
Thinkbinder - free way to create online study groups with lots of features
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