Earlier this month, I wrote "The 16 Best Science Visualizations of 2011 - Use to engage students in Science" which was about the top science visualizations from the Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge for 2011. It's a great collection of images that can be used in science education.
The 2012 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge has been announced. The contest is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the journal Science to showcase science and engineering images. The old phrase "a picture is worth a thousands words" is very relevant to science, where many concepts are extremely hard to understand without images.
Categories include: Photography, Illustrations, Informational Posters and Graphics, Interactive Games and Videos. Winners are showcased in the journal Science, Science Online, and on the NSF Website.
While most of the entries are from scientists, engineers, and colleges, students of any age could enter and compete. This is a great project for students that incorporates science, photography, and computers. Even if students don't enter this contest, this is a great project. Students could be assigned to take photos, or create informational posters or games on a science topic. I'm planning on using this with my classes as a project this Spring and I'm going to contact the photography and digital arts teachers for assistance and collaboration on the project.
The competitions opens May 31, 2012 and the deadline is September 28, 2012. Questions can be directed to scivis@nsf.gov.
The 16 Best Science Visualizations of 2011 - Use to engage students in Science
STEM Resources for Educators
Adobe Digital Schools Collection - digital creation, editing and publishing resources
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