Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's in your bag? Fun listing of what you are carrying.

The Verge, a great, new technology publication, has a fun topic in their forums "What's in your bag?". People list what equipment and supplies they have in their bag. It's interesting to see what people carry around with them. Reporters, IT techs, and more have all shared what they have in their bag. 

Here's my list:

I’m a physics teacher and use lots of technology and web 2.0 resources, so I don’t need to carry much to and from school (I have everything in the cloud). I only carry my smart phone (Droid Incredible 2) with me. Everything else is synced through Dropbox between my home and school computers.

At school, if I am going to a meeting or training, I either use my smart phone or Google CR-48 Chromebook while in the building. The CR-48 battery lasts forever and it’s very light. I sometimes use my Livescribe Pen too.

If I’m going out of the building to a conference or training, I do use a bag that will have the following things in it:

- HP TouchPad (in it’s case). I don't bring this to school, but use it on the go.
- Livescribe Pen and Pad
- regular pen and a small pad/post it notes combo
- charger for my smart phone and TouchPad (although I’ve only needed the TouchPad charger for multi-day events). I also have an external battery for my phone that I sometimes bring.
- business cards
- water
- tissues
- chap stick
- If I’m presenting at a conference, I bring the Chromebook and my remote.

I always have my Swiss Army Flash knife on my key ring. It has a knife, screwdriver, pen, LED light, scissors, and a 4GB flash drive. Between this and my Droid I2 I rarely need anything else.

I have a simple bag I got from the school that I put everything in, and my TouchPad has it's own case. The Chromebook goes in a neoprene sleeve.

What's in your bag?

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