study skills, homework tips, and other resources and references for them to use.
InfoPlease Homework Center - This site has subject area help, resources, study skills, homework help, writing tips, and research help.
HowtoStudy - study skills, resources and tips.
EducationAtlas Study Skills - tips and help for: notetaking, studying, writing, solving math word problems, test taking, reading textbooks, reading comprehension, and more. A great resource. The site also has information on schools, financial aid, college selection, pedagogy, and educational technology.
Study Guides and Strategies - this site has a plethora of information for students, including study skills, working in groups, how to learn, time management, getting organized, classroom participation, test taking, research, writing, reading, math, and science help. It is well organized and easy to use.
HowToStudy.com - another great study resource. This one includes articles on studying, test taking, homework, note taking, college planning, test taking (including standardized tests), and more.
Share these with your students. These sites will help them in their education.
Please share any other resources you have with us.
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